Dubinsky explains why Ukraine has the largest green tariff and high electricity prices. MPs to demand the resignation of the Minister of Energy

Ukraine has one of the highest tariffs in the world for green energy which is UAH 4.21 per kW • hour, MP Oleksandr Dubinsky says. He compares Ukrainian prices to world prices:

• 1 kilowatt of clean energy in the USA costs UAH 0,58

• 1 kilowatt in Germany costs about UAH 2 / kW • hour.

“If we are the poorest country in Europe, with the lowest salaries, then why should Ukrainian citizens pay the highest prices in the world for the green tariff? Do we really have the most expensive workforce or such rare resources like sun and wind? No. All this is due to the fact that people like Akhmetov have a big share of this market. Akhmetov alone owns about 60% of this “pie”. Somewhere around 20% is owned by Khoroshkovsky, while the remaining 20% is owned by a group of other super-businessmen. There are about 10 people,” Dubinsky explains.

He has noted that the active work of nuclear power plants that produce the cheapest electricity in Ukraine is disadvantageous to this group of people. Its prime cost is UAH 0,56 / kW • hour, which is, almost 8 times cheaper than the so-called environmentally friendly energy.

For this reason, Olga Buslavets, acting as the Minister of Energy being in close relations with oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, began to suspend the operation of Ukrainian nuclear power units and reduce their production under various excuses, for instance: accident rate, low demand, etc.

“Back in December 2019, supposedly unsafe units of Ukrainian nuclear power plants produced 12.5 gigawatts of energy. Their production capacity has been reduced to 7.5 gigawatts - the lowest capacity indicator in the history of nuclear power plants in Ukraine. This confirms the only thing: Buslavets does not work for the people of Ukraine, but for a single oligarch,” Dubinsky emphasizes.

He says that starting Tuesday, May 19, the collection of MPs’ signatures under a letter to Prime Minister Denis Shmygal, demanding that Olga Buslavets is dismissed will be initiated. If he does not respond to this appeal, the question regarding the dismissal of Shmygal himself may be raised.

Andrey Pshenichny for the site dubinsky.pro

